Saturday, November 24, 2007

Gobble Gobble Turkey, Gobble Gobble turkey...

If you sing this to the tune of the William Tell overture you have just heard the song that Gabe and I taught the kids in nursery last week. When we went to sing songs about thanksgiving Gabe and I realized we didn't know any so I whipped this out and Gabe started dancing around with the kids. Glad none of the parents were there bc they may have thought we lost our minds, I love that kids give you the excuse to act totally silly! I guess Gabe and I never really need an excuse do we?

We started this holiday by going to the upper West side to see the balloons for the Macy's parade being blown up. Even though we got there at 4, it seemed that they were already blown up so we just walked around and looked at the balloons. The weather was perfect and it was a nice afternoon bc we both got out of work early and just strolled around.

HA! Can you hear me saying "Come on Gabe, for the blog!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can hear you saying, "Come on, Gabe. For the blog."