I thought I would post a quick one before I hit the bed, and hopefully Gabe will be back from his b-ball game by then!
So today I was actually looking forward to going into work, I knew I would be able to sit at my desk for hours and just work...to much running around this weekend, when work becomes relaxing we've got problems.
Friday night I babysat for someone that got my name off of Jen's mommy and me groups in LA. It was a really good night. I sat with a 10 month old in the most beautiful apartment overlooking central park. The little girl was so good and I enjoyed being with a little one. What I didn't enjoy was the hour and a half it took me to get back to Brooklyn at 1 in the morning. Note to self, next job will require transportation expenses. I could have easily taken a car home but it would have cost me what I just made~ babysitting in NYC isn't as easy as babysitting in the suburbs with a car.
We woke up Sat. morning and went right out. We were looking at an apt. in the cool part of the neighborhood. It was a bit more money but it was dog friendly (Gabe and I are aiming at getting one by our 4th wedding anniversary in March). It was also in a Brownstone and right across the street from one of our closest friends....BUT the apt. was smaller then where we are now. We had gone for bagels before we met the broker and then she was late so we stopped for coffee closer to the place. Afterwards we met our friend and got muffins and more coffee....I was on a sugar high and Gabe was just about right!
We then ran home, showered, and left to meet our friend in the city....We were really dumb and thought it would be a good idea to go see the Christmas windows and all the lights...Ya' seen that we all work in the city and pass Rockefeller daily not sure why we threw ourselves into the throngs of mad tourists... We left pretty quickly not before we ran into Bergdorfs so I could use the restroom (what a crazy store- do people actually spend $300 on a tie?)
Bethany and I in front of Bloomingdales
Gabe and Bethany in Dylans candy shop!
We went to our churches coffee shop bc a few bands were performing, it was pretty chill and we had a good time but Luigi's (PIZZA) called so we headed home...Bethany still in tow (what a trooper, coming from Queens- the land of tree-less-ness). J joined us and we just talked and by 11:30 he house was empty and we were in bed...you guys keeping track of this girls bed times...I know I am almost 26 but by Sunday morning I was a walking zombie, and life didn't slow down.
It snowed during the night so we were all excited but unfortunately did not have time to play in it! We ran to church and then afterwards Gabe went to the laundry mat and I went to the grocery store...hmmm, walking home 20 blocks in the snow with my granny cart- that was a sight and at one point I needed to ask a stranger to give me a push bc I couldn't get up the little incline after crossing the street;)
We unloaded the groceries, folded the clothes, laid down for 30 minutes, woke up and ran back out the door!
We were off to the Golden Compass premiere...but that will have to be next posting...this girl's head is getting heavy!
Brilliant...New York looks great...
Thanks for your comment and your prayers...we're ready for the next big thing. Hope you guys are well.
Merry Christmas!
I love this blog. I have never been on one before. After getting your Christmas letter, I thought I would check it out. No wonder why you guys love NYC. You have so many cool things to do and such a fun life. I will keep checking in. Hope to talk to you soon.
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